Although ”chino” is often used as the name for a style of trousers, chino is in fact the name of a 100% cotton twill cloth, developed by Sir Harry Lumsden in 1848. While stationed in India, he mixed a combination of coffee, curry and mulberries for dye to camouflage his white uniform. The shade was named khaki after the Hindi word for ”dust”. After World War II, the plain-front trousers and chinos became a common sight on college campuses – Hollywood soon followed, leading a generation to define chinos as a symbol of effortlessly cool American style.
Quick menu:
Albi Cargo Pant Dark Navy
2.499 kr
Franco Genes Chino Biscotto
2.099 kr
Franco Genes Chino Charcoal
2.099 kr
Franco Genes Chino Navy
2.099 kr
Franco Wasabi Chino Denim Blue
2.299 kr
Manuel Cord Chino Forest
2.399 kr
Manuel Cord Chino Fudge
2.399 kr
Menzo Alvaro Chino Navy
2.099 kr
Menzo Dobby Chino Brownie
1.899 kr
Menzo Dobby Chino Dark Navy
1.899 kr
Menzo Dobby Chino Forest
1.899 kr
Menzo Dobby Chino Khaki
1.899 kr
Menzo Dobby Chino Stone
1.899 kr
Paco Metz Chino Dark Navy
2.499 kr
Paco Papago Chino Stormy Grey
2.199 kr
Panco Dori Chino Grey stripe
3.199 kr
Panco Santo Chino Navy
3.299 kr
Paulo Pavia 1 Chino Charcoal
1.999 kr
Paulo Pavia 1 Chino Ecru
1.999 kr
Paulo Pavia 1 Chino Fudge
1.999 kr
Paulo Pavia 1 Chino Jet Black
1.999 kr
Paulo Pavia 1 Chino Khaki
1.999 kr
Paulo Pavia 1 Chino Midnight Blue
1.999 kr
Paulo Pinto Trousers Brownie
2.599 kr
Paulo Pinto Trousers Dark Navy
2.599 kr
Paulo Pinto Trousers Forest
2.599 kr
Paulo Tucan Chino Biscotto
2.399 kr
Paulo Tucan Chino Charcoal
2.399 kr
Paulo Tucan Chino Chipotle
2.399 kr
Paulo Tucan Chino Java
2.399 kr
Paulo Tucan Chino Navy
2.399 kr
Repi Grasso Jeans Navy
2.599 kr
Repi Grasso Jeans Stone
2.599 kr
Sabatino Chino Dark Navy
2.399 kr
Teo Chino Antique Bronze
1.499 kr
Teo Chino Flint gray
1.499 kr
Teo Chino Navy
1.499 kr