Planning for change

Not much is certain about the future. No one truly knows what tomorrow will bring, but that is no excuse to stay passive. At Blue De Gênes, we believe in planning for success and continual improvement. Because the world needs to change - and we all have to make it happen. Therefore, we have developed a strategy, planning for the changes we will make in the coming years.The strategy is centred around our biggest challenges and biggest opportunities for improvement. Four central commitments make up the pillars of our strategy.

Our social commitment:
We will nurture and maintain close and honest partnerships with our suppliers, and take part in ensuring safe, fair and healthy conditions in our supply chain.

Our product commitment:
We will make garments for the ages, produced with respect for current and future resources, limiting everything but the quality.

Our communication commitment:
We will share our expertise to support responsible production and consumption, and be open about our own process, including achievements and setbacks.

Our climate commitment:
We will make informed decisions and cooperate with our suppliers to reduce our climate impact in line with the Paris Agreement.

To ensure continual progress, we have developed a line of underlying goals and action points to each commitment. That way, we make sure our strategy doesn't just remain a vision, but also functions as a tool we can use in our everyday work.